The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2021.08.17 Tuesday

The sCoop

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily.
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Today we had two WG meetings, Institutional Business and People, Organization, Community. APAC held down the other side of the planet. Wizardry was postponed until tomorrow (same Owl place, same Owl time); you can practice casting spells until then. Let’s dive in:

Calls to Action:

APAC (14 attendees) minutes
Porting the highlights from @pujimak_in here, as his write-ups are excellent. If you have questions or want to get involved you can also reach out to @bradwmorris, the other APAC Community Manager.

IBWG (11 attendees) slides
There is some early movement on the custodial listing front with Genesis seemingly imminent and Bitcoin Suisse looking to co-host some educational content. A new $DPI presentation for institutional investors has been created with updated branding (DISCLAIMER: Not for Degens; reach out to @Metfanmike if you’d like a copy). The focus of the next IB meeting is set to be incentivization within the WG. While terik_boberik #5258 couldn’t attend the call today, IB cited their work as a great example of self-directed contribution as terik_boberik #5258 assembled a list of family offices and events that they attend and has been rallying the troops to help pitch, “This is exactly the type of thing IB is looking for.” - @Metfanmike

The bulk of the call; however, was spent discussing Wintermute and their proposal for market making services. The conversation centered around getting incentive alignment right and some mechanisms that might do that, @ MrMadila noting that there are second-order effects to consider, and that alignment beyond year-one might be tricky. Quote of the meeting came from @ overanalyser: “Liquidity will happen.” There will be a community call with Wintermute on Friday August 20 at 03:00 UTC - this will be an opportunity to ask questions but no negotiations are to take place on the call.

POCWG (11 attendees) notion
Some channels have been added in discord to discuss what the future of Index Coop may look like: Index 2.0, with some workshops headed our way. @Pepperoni_Joe has scoped out the role for Governance Reps and is in the process of getting some of the Owls that applied up to speed on using Snapshot. An Index Coop Job Fair might be on the horizon, and the New Joiner calls are being modularized with @ afromac just absolutely blowing everyone’s mind by disclosing that he’s Irish (apologies for the dox buddy).

The conversation at multiple points focused on the challenges around incentivization. Some well-received suggestions involved adding some sections to the rewards sheet for providing context around effort and time (from contributors) and feedback (from WGLs/decision-makers); I suggested an open call following the reward period with the FC and WGLs to iterate on improving the experience and guiding contributors toward activities that are considered high-value. @ MaryQ and @ helmass have been crafting a contributor sentiment survey that is expected to go out in the coming week that should help inform some of the forthcoming discussions.

Governance / Meta-Governance / Contributor Polls


No new results to report.

Wednesday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1500 - Wizardry Weekly Call
1600 - Business Development
1800 - Leadership Forum (previously ‘Org’)

OOO: @ gregdocter through Aug 21st

Daily DAOwlpha: If you noted the call-to-action above and want to level-up on, Udemy has a 2-hour course: Master Notion - Beginner to Advanced that is on sale today for $10, normally $90. Not an endorsement; DYOR; don’t get rekt on all this DAOwlpha.

- @mel.eth

Constructive feedback in the comments appreciated. If you would like to receive this when it drops (typically 6pm EDT, Monday through Thursday), follow and enable notifications for the The sCoop Twitter account @HOWweDAO!


Only 10 person-references are allowed per post - tagging the ones I had to break to ship: @MrMadila, @afromac, @overanalyser, @MaryQ, @helmass, @anon10525910. If there’s a wise Owl that knows how to adjust the permissioning on that I would be eternally grateful.


During an early APAC meeting, the question came up, which (central) exchanges are in our region.

I was compiling a list of exchanges, within continents.

If you are interested, fetch it at:


Flagging IBWG and BDWG for visibility, this is awesome @Elmit, thank you!

@Metfanmike @fallow8 @BigSky7


That’s a great resource - thank you for passing along @Elmit!


Awesome work! Thanks @Elmit - APAC is about to become the next Coop Powerhouse