The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2021.08.18 Wednesday

The sCoop

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily.
previous issue

Today we had two meetings: Business Development and Leadership Forum, which replaces the ‘Org’ call in the lineup of weekly meetings and initially appears to be a productive iteration. Of note, the Weekly Planning meeting on August 23 has been moved forward to 15:30 UTC to accommodate the planned workshop with DeFi Pulse. Let’s dive in:

Calls to Action:

BDWG (17 attendees) slides
Consistently one of the most Owlpha-heavy meetings on the week. Opener was, “Where would you like to see Index Coop’s products next?” . . . winner by number of responses: More CEX . . . winner of our hearts and minds: @overanalyser: “Polygon, The Moon, and The Cover of the Financial Times.”

BD’s current priorities are: 1) restructuring the methodology framework, 2) oSushi treasury purchase, and 3) restructuring notion. BD’s push toward 40% of $DPI being held in leading DeFi money market accounts is gaining significant ground as we speak, with the AAVE $DPI Listing vote live. When I voted earlier today there were zero votes against, and this listing is on track to become the most supported listing on AAVE to date. @fallow8 floated the question, “Why is it important that $DPI be in DeFi money markets, and why 40%?” What ensued was impressive; the room lit up and leveled the educational arsenal right at him (highlights):

  • Enables App integrations
  • Acts as a seal of approval as the listing criteria are stringent
  • Brings in on-chain hedging capabilities, and attracts on-chain hedge-fund collateral
  • Solidifies $DPI as the native collateral asset of DeFi

Personally I would love to see @BigSky7 host Coop:Off-Topic on Twitter spaces nightly, as the open-discussion portion of the BD meetings tend to be one of my favorite 15-minute blocks of the week, hands down. Today’s rabbit-holes included: How to kill it in the forum without actually killing anyone and Meta-gov as a bug and feature of INDEX. Also, @BigSky7 called me ‘OG’ today, so that’s going at the top of the crypto-resume.

Special shout today to @ansteadm or as we know and love him in the BD chats, theshark#4172. theshark drops excellent 45 second explainers on TikTok that I have regularly sent to non-crypto-native family and friends, as they tend to get people from zero-to-interested in a way that’s easy to understand; latest one on $MVI here. Thanks Mark.

Leadership Forum (35 attendees) slides
Purpose: high-level alignment / announce new initiatives / request action / highlight & remove blockers
There will be a public workshop this coming Monday at 16:30 UTC to discuss the DFP<>IC fee-split; context building posts include: FLI streaming fee offer, Methodologist Economic Agreement Principles by @setoshi, The Coop & Methodologists, and Methodologist Fee Menu. @BigSky7 is looking to get the community involved in building and improving the methodologist framework overall as well, so get up to speed and get involved.

@Pepperoni_Joe and @Matthew_Graham of the Autonomy Group laid out where they’ve been, where they are, and plan to post the Autonomy Roadmap next week; channels and discussion around specific areas of focus are already forming on discord. @Mringz highlighted the importance of keeping the process accessible and collaborative, as it will require broad buy-in from the community and partners, and noted that there are currently no pressing time-constraints. In parallel the Protocol Ownership group is taking shape which aims to broadly revisit the topic of token distribution.

And finally, CDWG would like to introduce the newest member of The Coop, “Happy to be here, happy to be in 3D.” - Owlie D’Cooper!

Governance / Meta-Governance / Contributor Polls


No new results to report.

Thursday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1000 - New Joiner
1600 - Creative & Design WG Bi-Weekly
1900 - Growth WG

OOO: @ gregdocter through Aug 21st

Daily DAOwlpha: Autonomy is not the panacea to all of our problems . . . it’s about everybody in the protocol taking ownership in their little piece of the pie and making it as awesome as possible. - @BigSky7 in the Leadership Forum Meeting re being proactive and solving what we can as individuals, ahead of looking to the autonomy group.

- @mel.eth

Constructive feedback in the comments appreciated. If you would like to receive this when it drops (typically 6pm EDT, Monday through Thursday), follow and enable notifications for the The sCoop Twitter account @HOWweDAO!


These are killer. Most entertaining part of the day.


Waking up every weekday morning just makes me wanna DAO more!!!


Owl Hugsssss. :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


Damn, I got my first shoutout on the sCoop.

I’m honored

DAOs ftw