The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2022.01.20 Thursday

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO . (previous issue)

Today, 2 of our 5 Nests met to discuss updates and announce the Pods within each and their focuses and leads, concluding week 1 of Index Coop 2.0.

Tomorow, join us for ‘DeFridays with the Coop’ on Twitter Spaces. Check out sCoop Weekly, a rundown of this week’s events, what’s coming up, and opportunities to contribute.



Product | Community:

Owls go “tweet”!
Governance Nest (17 attendees) notion

@shawn16400 started with updates on Gov’s Twitter Strategy with the North Star objective of driving voter engagement. Other objectives of the @IndexCoopGov on Twitter include building relationships with partners, amplifying partners’ voices, educating the ecosystem on (meta)governance, highlighting the metagovernance impact (FEI/AAVE) and eventually becoming the worldwide voice of DAO metagovernance. To do this, it publishes original an relevant gov-related content, comments on/retweets partner/target partner content, and retweets he most important content from @indexcoop. Twitter strategy is detailed in this presentation. They are hoping to reach 1,000 followers by the end of Q2, 5 engagements/week by the end of January, and 6 external articles written about IC MetaGov by the end of 2022.

Next, the group discussed how to engage the right voters. We face 2 realities: Not many care about governance votes (as seen by our failure to reach quorum on the last 28 votes) and smoke generates onlookers and discussion. So, we face a challenge: how do we engage invested voters (vs. speculative number-go-ip investors)?

Here is detailed proposal of the Pod structure that makes up Governance Nest. Below is an overview of the Pods and their focuses:

  • Operations Pod led by @sixtykeys: Provide the community of INDEX token holders with safe, transparent, reliable, and well-communicated governance processes.
  • MetaGovernance Pod led by @Lavi: Responsibly manage and improve meta-governance utility and value. Ensure metagovernance is used to the best interest of the underlying protocols and IC alike.
  • Communications and Awareness Pod led by @shawn16400 (reach out to him if you are interested in helping): Facilitate awareness, discourse, challenge, record keeping/reporting and accountability of our community governance, election, and metagovernance processes. And improve decision-making processes of the Index Coop DAO.

A team will meet to discuss the Ambassador Program tomorrow at 13:00 UTC. Connect with @sixtykeys, @Lavi, @mel.eth, or @puncar to get an invite.

Fly with Growth via grants
Future of Growth Nest (40 attendees) slides

While it was billed as a one-off, this meeting will happen every week in the Town Hall-style (including stand-ups from Pods then Q&A) familiar to most public meetings. @metfanmike kicked off with an explanation of Growth’s new status as a Nest. This means a unified strategy across Pods within the Nest, one single budget, and one core contributor team supported by grants/bounties.

Growth Nest strategy will center around prongs 3 and 4 of IC’s 5-pronged vision: increase the availability and accessibility of our products and generate global awareness and understanding of our products and brand. They will use the AAARRR (Pirate) Funnel to track key users’ behavior along the conversion funnel, beginning with users becoming aware of IC and its products and ending with users referring friends, family, colleagues, and clients to IC.

While Nests coordinate strategy, Pods deal with execution. Growth Nest will have 8 pods, each with their own focuses and success metrics:

Next, @LemonadeAlpha introduced the Growth Grants Program (GGP), a “hedgefund for Growth” that will determine its success by looking at overall spend vs. overall return. It will bootstrap growth initiatives via soliciting and requesting proposals which seek to influence metrics around specific points in the AAARRR Funnel. Any community member can apply for a grant using the Grants Process (that will be posted to the forum soon). Applicants should include qualifications including early stages of research, bio/work samples, and clear connections to metrics.

Some core ingredients to address in a well-structured grant:

  • Awareness - think millions of impressions
  • Acquisition - think 10,000s-100,000s of views/reads/site visits
  • Activation - think $1000s of sales
  • Retention - think locking $10ms of AUM
  • Revenue - think upselling/cross-selling by $10ms

Next Thursday at 8pm UTC, Growth Nest will host a community call to walk through Pod-specific goals and focuses including ways to get community members involved.

Friday: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
2000 - ‘DeFridays with the Coop’ on Twitter Spaces with Maple Finance (the first of the $GMI series)

Monday: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1600 - Weekly Standup

OOO: @0xModene Jan 20-24

Daily DAOwlpha: "Web2: ‘I build community for a business.’ Web3: ‘I build a business with a community.’” - @DavidSpinks



excited to participate!

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