Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO. (previous issue)
gm, owls. This being the first full week of the Coop’s restructure, nests and pods shared experiences thus far during the Weekly Standup and the Product Nest held their weekly meeting. Newly-web3 @0xMitz also joined a Twitter Spaces discussing Community Management and Hustle Culture in DAOs. If you missed it, listen here.
IB’s Tuesday meetings are no longer. Tomorrow instead kicks off with @Finance’s AMA , the first of 3 AMAs for the day. It’s followed by Analytics Pod and then Engineering AMA. Then, join Community Nest for some Q&A, lively debate and Twitter tea at Tea Time on Discord. And finally, @mel.eth and @anthonyb.eth discuss their proposal for MetaGov 2.0: Executive Productivity.
- IIP-123: Finance Nest Autonomy Act - @Finance
- IIP-124: Delegate Aave to EOA Address for Cross DAO Polygon Aave Market Changes @Matthew_Graham @oneski22
- COMPOUND-82: Dynamic Risk Parameters - Quarterly Update
- DRAFT: IIP-XYZ: Meta-Governance 2.0: Executive Productivity @mel.eth @anthonyb.eth
Product | Finance | Governance | Community:
- Automated Indices Pod Strategy 2022 @afromac
- December’s OKR Report Publication @Finance
- FOR DISCUSSION: Introducing the IC Apprenticeship Program (ICAP) @mel.eth
- # IIP-XY: Priority Hiring Round 1
Teamwork makes the dream work #OwlHowl
Weekly Stand Up (45 attendees) slides
First, @jdcook is back with North Stars and Core KPIs: AUM is back up after a few weeks of falling, N$F is down $3.9m primarily due to ETH2x-FLI-P, revenue down just under $10k. (The reason AUM is up but revenue is down is because ETH2x-FLI’s trade volume is also down.) Update on $GMI launch: 33k units, -3.7m AUM.
@sixtykeys informed us that 3 IIPs passed last week. IIP-122 and IIP-121 have been executed. The 3 MetaGovernance votes from last week did not reach quorum but were voted “for” by the MetaGovernance Committee. Last week, with the help of @puncar, the team hostel a Protocol Ambassador Workshop with input from the BD team and current ambassadors. Tomorrow, @mel.eth and @anthonyb.eth will host MetaGovernance 2.0: Executive Productivity to discuss this proposal. Thanks to @shawn16400 for standing up the new Coop Gov Twitter account.
Community Nest (formerly, People Nest) announced their successful adoption of Notion (Finance and Governance are in the process of migrating) along with solidified forum updates by @Hammad1412, new lead of the Operations Pod. @StepvhenH is actively collecting and archiving recordings from all of IC’s public contributor calendar; they will be posted in an accessible place soon. Things to be aware of: Priority Hiring process offer letters are in the process of being communicated; the forum post is here. And any technical issues with DAO tooling can be addressed in the Discord channel #people-technical-requests.
@jujube reminds us that W+NB now runs on an alternating schedule: a biweekly operational weekly meeting on Thursdays (reconvening next week) and a vibes biweekly call starting tomorrow on Twitter Spaces. Thanks @chasechapman and @Regan for being Spaces superstars. The Index 101 workshop initially scheduled for this week has been rescheduled for January 25-27.
Instead of updating products, the forum posts, product status updates will now be posted to the Product Onboarding Tracker. @DocHabanero announced that our first social token index, Forefront Social Token, passed DG1 last week. $LAYER2 Community call and WTA were held last week; the WTA will be posted soon. $JPG PRD was reviewed by Engineering and will be posted for DG2 soon. @JosephKnecht will hold a methodologist session on January 20 at 12pm EST.
@allan.g celebrated 3 successes from Automated Indices Pod: IIP-122 and IIP-121 passed and $FIXED income suite was proposed in the forum. DG2 for launching iMATIC, iETH, iBTC and BTC2x-FLIs-P is expected to hit Snapshot this week. $MATIC2x and iMATIC launch is set for the first week of February. A proposal for Real World Assets index is expected this week, and AIP 2022 Strategy was shared on the forum today. Shoutout to @seb for creating a product pitch deck for structuring early stage ideas!
From Liquidity Pod: Budget Request IIP is on the forum. Underlying liquidity framework was presented last week by @overanalyser (slides and recording are available on the Google Drive). INDEX:ETH liquidity is being deployed.
Engineer Pod celebrated the launch of $GMI sing-sided staking—about $2m GMI is staked (51% of supply) at 94% APR. The pod rebalanced $BED, $DPI and $DATA; $MVI will finish today. IC gained some autonomy when we transferred ownership of Cloudflare (what lets us manage all of the important settings on from SetLabs to IC. Manager Contract upgrades for IIP-64 and IIP-72 are being deployed. @edwardk is excited about some conversations he’s had with Set recently on how to expedite product delivery. Thank you to @0xModene, @teddy, and @Matthew_Graham for their help in fixing wallet connection bugs and topping up Engineering’s gas money.
Growth and Marketing is excited about the $GMI merch drop with a permanent merch store on the horizon thanks to @skoobala. One thing remains to be sorted; contact @Static121 if you have any knowledge on North American sales tax law. Thank you t to @TheYoungCrews for his support on the hoodie drop. Also last week, we released the first video on our new YouTube channel. Check out the new Owl Howl initiative (cheers @kindeagle for the name); upon sign up, you’ll be notified to engage with Twitter posts heavily in the first 20 minutes after they’re posted to fuel the algorithm. Also, Please DM @MrMadila if you are booked to go to ETHDenver. A Community Growth Call (“Future of Growth”) will be held Thursday.
Updates from BD: Universe Finance Index Coop incentivized vaults launched. The pod has started work to get $GMI listed in IC Fuse Pool. IB is going to ramp up the incorporation of POAPs to track cohorts’ trends in relation to IC (shoutout to @Static121 for creating the one for the OnRamp Webinar). A few event reminders: OnRamp Webinar is January 26. CFA Institute Webinar is February 10, and BitGo co-hosted DeFi webinar will be held sometime in February. There are no more Tuesday IB meetings; they’ll be rolled up into a Coop-wide Growth Nest meeting.
New Structure, New Strategy
Product Nest (15 attendees) slides
@allan.g opened with a debate: A draft proposal of $FIXED was posted on the forum; however, it’s not truly fixed, so we need a rename. @overanalyser offered (stable, stable) and @TheYoungCrews (income, income). Anyway, it’s probably going to end up as the $BOND suite of some sort. He’s open to ideas.
@JosephKnecht explained Total Market Cap Index (MCAP), an index that uses a physical sampling approach, the first non-synthetic total market cap token on the market. They got solid feedback from the DG1 proposal and are waiting for the WTA assessment. $JPG is with Engineering Pod; they’ll modify it to include Unicly vaults and updated claiming modules. The DG2 document is being drafted.
From Composite Indices, Set is coming up with a long-term strategy for intrinsically productive products; they don’t want us to build things that would contrast with their new “infrastructure.” So, between $PAY, $LDI and $PINT, $PAY had the highest WTA score. For this reason, we are going to move forward with $PAY instead of $LDI.
All upcoming products in the DG2 phase of the Product Roadmap are “moderate” to build that require 6-8 weeks to build. The team will rework the Roadmap so that products labeled “simple” (that require 2-6 weeks to build). While EWG is building moderate products like $PAY, the goal is to get some simple products through the pipeline as well to avoid backlog. Some of those future products include $PDI, $MCAP, $LAYER2 and $STI.
@seb is finalizing composition of P2E Gaming Index and @JosephKnecht has completed the LAYER1 Index and is waiting to post it on the forum. Both are expected to be posted to the forum in the next week. Now that we’re doing so much R&D up front, DG1 no longer provides much value. So two drafts are in progress: A forum post to remove DG1 process and a 2022 Strategy and Budget for community and WO.
Some updates from @allan.g: We will hopefully complete the Polygon Suite at the end of Q1. The biggest blocker is that the $MATIC-FLI-P products require risk parameter updates on Aave Polygon market; they are waiting on implementation. @afromac reported on the new plan to get stronger products through our pipeline faster. The way we currently function—waiting for an external party to tell us what the next product to build is—is inefficient. We want to function like a design studio; we have a very clear idea of products we want to investigate and part of that is working with different protocols. $FIXED (with Notional) is one of the most fruitful outcomes from one of these collaborations with protocols.
Tuesday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
0400 - APAC || Biweekly Sync
1600 - Money Talks F.Nest AMA
1700 - Analytics Pod
1900 - Engineering AMA
2000 - Community Tea Time
2100 - AMA - MetaGov 2.0: Executive Productivity
OOO: @0xModene Jan 20-24
Daily DAOwlpha: “Crypto is the only place where memes become income streams.” - @OhhShiny