[Growth] North Stars / Core KPIs v1

This post is an iteration of Reaffirming Our Focus (North Star & Core KPIs), which was met with loads of great feedback. You can read the TLDR; of the KPI feedback here and other points here.

The core question we were considering as a community is, "Are we still roughly aligned?”

After a week+ of commenting & conversation, I believe we are now.

Here is where we’ve landed :point_down: Let’s charge ahead with these metrics, learn, and iterate as we move forward together.

:star: North Stars :star:

  • # Unique Holders
  • # Unit Supply

:chart_with_downwards_trend: Core KPIs :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • # Mint Volume
  • $ Trade Volume
  • $ Unincentivized TVL
  • $ Protocol Revenue

These are intended to be a starting point to help us

  • Better move as one
  • Focus on what is impactful
  • Sprint together towards our next phase of growth

Disagree? Great! If you think there are better top-level metric(s), or metrics that better capture the impact you are creating as an individual or in a working group, fantastic. You can:

  • Track whatever metric(s) you please
  • Surface them in conversations
  • Create a forum post every week to highlight them
  • Use it to guide your decisions
  • etc…

Next Steps

We are going to start by tracking these metrics at the beginning of each Monday meeting, with a view to iterating based on community feedback if necessary :recycle:


@dylan @richard can unit supply be standardized across different products? Ex. 1 unit CGI == 1 unit DPI.

I had been thinking about this! unit index

1 unit will change as the price of the underlying assets changes. e.g. 1 unit of DPI was worth $100 at launch, now it’s closer to $500. All products launched so far start off with a unit price of $100 though, so it seems fair.

Oh if you’re asking for a way to normalize this with another metric, I’m not sure! Probably :slight_smile:

Thanks for pulling this together Greg. I like that our north stars can now be summarised as ‘more holders, holding more’ which makes it super easy to communicate.

I see we’ve gone back to pure trade volume which is ok as a starting point but might be nice to move to on-balance volume in future to determine whether we are seeing inflows or outflows rather than just volume, the Coop doesn’t benefit from trading currently.

Will be good to see these go into action at the next meeting!


Just a note on volume, I have added volume as a % of market cap to the overnight data pull from coingecko available here… Just provides a bit more context around volume also.


Index Coop KPIs Dashboard: Dune Analytics

:fire: from @jdcook

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EDIT: Growth appended to the title of this post

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