Borrowing some words from @BigSky7 's recent podcast appearance on The Unstoppable Podcast when answering the question: ‘what makes DAOs special?’:
Answer: ‘When I think of a DAO, the first word that comes to mind is an open community. It is an organization that anyone in the world can join, that anyone can be part of and is really tied together by our governance token INDEX which allows you to vote on the major changes that occur in the DAO. And the beauty of this open organization model is we can really attract people from all over the world, all different experience levels and they can find different ways for themselves to contribute.’
Current Situation:
The community & working group calls serve as important coordination & information dissemination tools to keep the community up-to-date, informed and aligned. Right now most contributors & community members are in US & EMEA and the regular calls align with US/EMEA timezones. We do have a handful of contributors & community members in APAC, but it’s difficult to engage the community in the APAC region due to the timing of the various calls. We are therefore missing out on a) a huge opportunity to make Index Coop products visible & available to a population of 4.5bn people in APAC b) potential expertise in the form of new DAO community members in APAC who can contribute to propelling Index Coop to the next level.
4.5bn+ people in Asia (stat courtesy of Statista) • Most populated continent 2018 | Statista
Below are timings of the existing community calls translated into HKT/SGT
Weekly Standup: 00:00 - 01:00am
Org Work Session: 02:00 - 02.30am
Eng Work Session: 04:00 - 05:00am
Business Development: 00:00 - 01:00am
Weekly Planning: 01:00 - 02:00am
*+/- 1 hour for Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam
Set up a regular APAC Community Call at a suitable time to cover Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Korea. With a view of developing the APAC community & ultimately to have an APAC working group to focus on the region. (see specific goals below)
- We must ensure the DAO continues to run efficiently & without duplication
- We want to work as one DAO community, APAC must be part of that & not a separate entity
- Ensure information freely and efficiently flows between regions/timezones on an ongoing & sustainable basis
- Build an Index Coop APAC community
- Have at least 20% of contributors located and operating from APAC by year end
- Get Index Coop products listed on recognized APAC exchanges
- Engage the region specific social media channels in local language (@Tudou is already doing some great work here on Wechat. We can do more on other platforms & in other languages)
- Increase the visibility of Index Coop products in APAC
- Bring in APAC based VCs for future funding/diversification rounds
To provide the world’s best crypto index products we should be global both in terms of community & product reach. This is a step towards expanding and scaling further across APAC. Feedback from the community on how we can make this a success would be greatly appreciated.
(A link to the podcast mentioned at the start of this post is below:
Thanks to @MrMadila for input to this post