I voted “No” on this, but only because I think this proposal needs fine tuning. I am 100% onboard with developing these content assets and think they will add value, but think we need to have a plan to measure and analyze the marketing funnel.
My concerns are as follows:
Does Index Coop or Set team have ability to measure engagement and/or conversion or click-through on content assets (i.e. How to Buy Guide --> Coinbase Referral link to an Ethereum txn --> etc.)?
I am not convinced this is the right place for the content assets. In an ideal world, we would A/B test placement. My sense is that “How To Buy Guide” could be placed right underneath “Buy” in small linked text.
DPI Factsheet and Monthly Update feel like they belong in a “Research” section managed by the Investment Committee: Proposal to create an Investment Committee
I would vote “Yes” on this proposal if the DPI Factsheet and Monthly Update were contained within a folder named Research or something similar in the top header of the page. I am fine with the placement of the “How to Buy Guide” as is.