Proposal to add extra content the DPI web page


I voted “No” on this, but only because I think this proposal needs fine tuning. I am 100% onboard with developing these content assets and think they will add value, but think we need to have a plan to measure and analyze the marketing funnel.

My concerns are as follows:

  1. Does Index Coop or Set team have ability to measure engagement and/or conversion or click-through on content assets (i.e. How to Buy Guide --> Coinbase Referral link to an Ethereum txn --> etc.)?

  2. I am not convinced this is the right place for the content assets. In an ideal world, we would A/B test placement. My sense is that “How To Buy Guide” could be placed right underneath “Buy” in small linked text.

  3. DPI Factsheet and Monthly Update feel like they belong in a “Research” section managed by the Investment Committee: Proposal to create an Investment Committee

I would vote “Yes” on this proposal if the DPI Factsheet and Monthly Update were contained within a folder named Research or something similar in the top header of the page. I am fine with the placement of the “How to Buy Guide” as is.