The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2022.03.17 Thursday

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO . (previous issue )

Today, the Owls talked exciting things coming up online and IRL: wallet integrations and events.

Tomorrow, @theyoungcrews talks to our partner in $icETH, Perpetual Protocol, in DeFridays on Twitter Spaces at 18:00 UTC.



  • [Compound-90] Risk Parameter Updates for ZRX, MKR, and SUSHI
  • [Compound-91] Should Compound governance contribute funding to the Nomic Foundation?


Wallets, Events, and Leprechauns

Growth Nest (19 attendees) slides

This week, @LemonadeAlpha and @MrMadila take a deep-ish dive into Growth Nest Season 1, focusing on wallet integrations and events.

We want to get our name in places that people buy tokens by increasing compatibility wallets and frontend partnerships. Why? It improves the UX (wallets abstract complexity, often with fiat on-ramps) and we can tap into a built-in user base (increased digital visibility and “digital football” as audiences see ads on the platforms they already us). Furthermore, collaborations increase trust and we have future potential to engage with user base from within apps (content, L2e, push notifications ,incentives, etc.) Currently, we have Dharma, Argent, Rainbow, and Zerion. We could even build our own wallet someday (it’s expen$ive and probably not worthwhile at the moment).

How do these wallet partnerships get set up? We set up compatibility with given target chain if necessary (ex: ZKSync for Argent), migrate liquidity to supported DEX (ex: PCL on ZigZag), tailor a partnership with the wallet (ex: in-app feature on Argent), and maintenance (ex: push notifications, L2E, airdrops).

A dive into our new partnership with Argent:

  • It uses Zksync, meaning 100x lower fees
  • 70k+ wallets
  • Fiat on-ramp
  • Mobile (iOS, Android)

Dives into our relationships with Zerion, Rainbow, and Dharma are available on the slides. As for futurescaping, check our our Wallet Providers Tracker.

Now, switching gears to Growth’s approach to Events…

Events are meant to increase our brand awareness and product value proposition. They’re about networking with new customers, business partners, distribution partners, media outlets, content creators, and potential $INDEX investors. For this reason, we have a $100k annual budget for events. We will sponsor 2 tier 1 events per year (~80% of G.Nest Events budget) and sponsor attendees for 2 tier 1 events per year (the other ~20%). Tangible benefits include collecting email addresses for newsletters, distributing POAPs, and tracking attribution.

For Permissionless (May 17-19), check out this working doc. We’ll have a booth, Mike will feature on a panel about DeFi and Index products, we’ll hold a side event, and it’ll be an opportunity. Future events are available at this link; if there’s a minimal valid business use case for you to get sponsored, reach out to Growth.

And finally: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Don’t get pinched.

Friday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
2100 - ‘DeFridays with the Coop’ with Perpetual Protocol (on Twitter Spaces)

TROWLpha: “If you own a token and your main activity is checking its price, the token owns you.” - @ohhhshiny

Hoot Hoot!