Hey everyone!
The purpose of this post is to provide visibility to the surveys we placed in the discord Community channels today. Please complete this five-minute survey no later than August 28.
- Index Coop Aug2021 Contributor Survey for all Index Coop contributors (Cooper Owls and above, plus interns. Yes, we know everyone is a contributor) - [Click here] to find the contributor survey link on Discord.
Index Coop Aug2021 Leadership Survey for all WG leads, full-time contributors, Set, and DFP. - [Click here] to find the leadership survey link on Discord.
It is the same survey content. Links are split for tracking purposes.
The purpose of this survey is to gather ANONYMOUS feedback from our community. Again, this is 100% confidential.
Why now?
(Cribbing from @BigSky7 post - affirming our code of conduct and guiding principles)
Our protocol is currently engaged in several challenging conversations that require us to grow and evolve. Every single topic is difficult, multi-faceted, and highly complex.
As we face those challenges and debate the resolution, it becomes easy to grow frustrated and demoralized. Occasionally antagonism and negative behaviors enter some of our forums and chats. When you read through contentious forum posts, you can almost feel the frustration. All share this feeling of frustration. We must not let our frustrations turn negative or degrade our conversations.
Given the affirmations and positive community feedback, we do SEEK to grow as a community. As @BigSky7 highlighted, we need to have honest and open conversations across our community to keep pushing the ball forward.
Survey Introduction
This survey is an opportunity for us to reflect, reaffirm, question, and share thoughts about The Index Coop, the decisions that we’ve made, and how we work toward success. The feedback and insights you provide through this survey will help shape how we evolve our business priorities and ways of working to serve our customers, contributors, and stakeholders. We are also seeking ways to measure and monitor the sentiment over time.
Consider each question carefully and check the response you feel is most appropriate, considering your experience over the last three months (or your time with the DAO if you joined over the past three months).
Other Details and considerations
- We will follow up with a detailed analysis and share feedback with the community via form post no later than September 8.
- We (the pulse survey crew) have spent the last couple of weeks working on these questions. Our work is not perfect, but we were thoughtful and sensitive/empathetic to the needs of others.
- We would love your feedback (there is a question) in the survey for this. Our goal is to continue this on a go-forward basis to understand community health at the Index Coop.
@MaryQ and the POC working group