Conflict of Interest disclosure - OverAnalyser

Following @oneski22 initiative, @BigSky7 's comment here and the PWG proposal commitments:

I thought I would share my current position and identify any potential conflicts of interest.

Income sources

Since leaving my last job in May 2021, my main sources of income have been (ranked in size order):

  1. INDEXcoop contributor rewards
  2. On chain yield farming.

Income from other Crypto projects

I am, and have been, active in a number of other crypto projects to some extent. The main benefit has been higher awareness of publically available opportunities to buy / LP.

However, I have benefited from some individual rewards due to my activities:

  • INV airdrop based on community involvement.
  • XTK community rewards as part of the xtoken genesis (related to my blog).
  • NFT christmas card (with SUSHI and pDAI) in a competition from 0xMaki (Twitter raffle).
  • DAI from Maker DAO for participation in their governance process awarded via SoureCred.
  • BANK from Bankless discord related to my BED:ETH LP analysis.

Crypto portfolio

Some of my investments are held in Ethereum accounts linked to overanalyser.eth. Others are held in separate addresses and with custodial services.

I have a wide (possibly too wide) distribution of crypto holdings.

Income from Liquidity mining

I have been an active crypto LP for the last 12 months. At the moment, my main reward income is comprised of (in order):

  • BNT
  • ALCX

As I am involved in discussions on liquidity (internal to INDEXcoop and with 3rd parties) I have advance knowledge of some contracts being deployed.

Investments in competing projects

I hold some DOUGH from Liquidity mining.

Other crypto related activities

I maintain a blog on crypto related activities. I maintain full editorial control and no posts have been commissioned. However, I have received contributor rewards for XTK related to my work.

Other than participation in forums etc, I am not actively involved in the governance or creation of any other crypto related groups.

Contractual Obligations

Other than the PWG leadership stipend for April - July and Aug - October I have no contractual agreements related to crypto.

I am not currently subject to any NDAs or similar agreements.

I am an INDEX delegate. However, I do not intend to privately discuss my voting intentions with anyone before voting (There has been one exception to this in the past). As a delegate, I feel under no obligation to vote in a specific way.


While I have taken advantage of Liquidity mining contracts, as they are all discussed in open INDEXcoop meetings / publicised in blogs, I do not believe this to be a significant conflict of interest with regards INDEXcoop.

I do not believe that I am subject to any other conflicts of interest with regard to INDEXcoop.