The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2021.09.20 Monday

The sCoop

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO.
previous issue

Today we had the Weekly Planning and Product WG meetings; while the Weekly write-up is included in today’s issue, the PWG recap will be included tomorrow as this Owl is headed to the IC sponsored Happy Hour event following the first day of Messari Mainnet where @Metfanmike and @setoshi will be speaking on building crypto-native index funds! Tomorrow looks to be IBWG and Wizardry weekly meetings, with the end of this week getting a little more meeting-heavy, so rest up, hydrate, and let’s dive in.

Calls to Action:

Context Corner:

Weekly Planning (39 attendees) slides
After a few high-energy introductions from some first-time listeners, @BigSky7 reminded us although we have a lot to be proud of, focus and execution will be top-of-mind going into Q4. IC products saw 4% growth in unit-supply this week, with @jdcook noting that we’ve had back-to-back weeks of solid numbers.

@anon10525910 is reviewing the timing constraints for WG budget submissions going into Q4, so WG Leads, stay tuned. @BigSky7 surfaced that a more forward-looking Coop-wide calendar would be useful, with @caf noting that the existing notion calendar used for Twitter may be helpful in this regard and following up re a possible Google Calendar integration.

The Automated Indices Pod has reached out to DeFi Pulse to try and find a coordinated way to launch new products, with the current arrangement making roadmap creation a challenge. The EWG gave a shout to @edwardk for leveling-up the WG in general and the post on Prioritizing Engineering Work. @pujimak_in reminds us that there is a proposal up in the forum to form an Asia-Pacific WG, and may also be looking to set up a Business Development WG specific to India.

I will refer readers to Slide No. 35 in the deck given that there is too much to cover on the Business Development side, but in addition to a plethora of useful integrations, there has been some interfacing with NFTVI that may bring The Coop closer to housing an NFT Index. @Mringz gave a shout to @Crypto_Texan for hosting the AMA with IDEX. @BigSky7 pointed out that the passing of IIP-84 makes this Sequoia Capital’s first investment on-chain directly with a DAO and perhaps worthy of leveraging from a marketing perspective.

@caf and @Static121 have been keeping CDWG pumping at full volume and gave a shout to @emil_eth on bringing the website handover within striking-distance. Two initiatives being explored involve utilizing Cooper as some form of NFT and perhaps giving POAPs for participating in IC governance.

DATA is expected to launch later this week with a big Twitter push coming; I hope y’all have been working out those retweeting thumbs. @Monportefeuille noted that should all go to plan with DG2, we could see the iROBOT Index within the next month.

The Growth WG has moved to a more campaign-based content strategy and has been preparing for the strong presence planned at Token 2049 in London. Of note, Twitter posts have been spreading the love fairly equally among IC product offerings, which is seen as positive. And finally, Index Coop has its first birthday coming up in just over 2-weeks (Oct 6)!

Less exciting, but also important: Be mindful of leaving slides in the Weekly Planning deck if you’re not going to be on the call.

Governance Update (snapshot) by @sixtykeys

Tuesday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
0500 - [APAC] Index 2.0 Recap Workshop
1400 - Institutional Business WG Meeting
1500 - Wizardry Weekly Call
OOO: @Metfanmike and @fallow8 (Messari Mainnet) thru Sep 22, @MrMadila thru Sep 24, @Pepperoni_Joe thru Sep 24, @Mringz (limited capacity) thru Sep 24

Daily DAOwlpha: If you’re not tuning into community calls, you’re missing one of the most efficient ways to develop an understanding of a given project. Want to contribute to a DAO? Gain context by attending as many calls as you can. - Twitter post by RedefinedLife.eth aka @Redefined_Life

- @mel.eth