The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2021.12.20 Monday

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO . (previous issue)

The holiday week kicked off with @catjam walking us through the different corners of our DAO in the Weekly Stand Up. Be sure to check out the calendar to see whether or not your upcoming Nest/workgroup meetings are being pushed until after the holidays.

As of now there’s no shortage of meetings on Tuesday. A big day before things being to slow down a little. Be sure to get some rest this holiday season 2022 will be a busy one for us Owls.

@caf and Socials Pod are spearheading a Index Coop 2021 recap video so I highly recommend you check out this link & take part.


Product | Launch | Liquidity:

:christmas_tree:Index Coop Holidays:christmas_tree:

Twas The Monday Before Christmas

Weekly Stand Up (43 attendees) slides

Our fearless leader @catjam got us started with our guiding principles and set the stage. @Static121 gave us all the holiday details for Wednesday’s EOY Celebration :owl:Year of the OWL. The event will take place in the Leadership Forum timeslot this week. So be sure to bring you egg nog and holiday best as there will be a best-dressed competition. Don’t forget to give your $GIVE via Coordinape.

@mel.eth provided the GovOps update with the good news that a $GMI will be born. Thanks to 110 voters. $LDI DG2 and DATA Revised Economic Proposal are now both up on Snapshot for vote. Last call for Snapshot votes to avoid quroum misses. Shoutout to @puncar for leveling up and helping fill in while @lavi is on vacation.

@DocHabanero let us know that the plan is to get at least 3 products out in January. First up, the $GMI launch scheduled for January 5th. A recent survey will help develop a Q1 and overall 2002 roadmap. Shoutout to @alerex & @seb who are taking on more responsibility.

@afromac gave us an update about the ETH2x-FLI-P launch. It’s currently sitting at $1.3M AUM in 12 days ($700k+ organic) and a total of 765 holders. We’re reaching a new market of smaller traders and the team is overall very happy with the progress thus far. It’s a much better consumer experience with the low-gas fees on L2. He sees the potential for 20-25 FLI products across a variety of chains. A new IIP with 4 FLI-Polygon products is up on the forum for discussion now.

@overanalyser provided an update of the success of the Liquidity Pod. They held their kickoff meeting last week and are currently working on a budget request. @edwardk discussed EWG working on getting $GMI out while completing rebalances. Staking rewards will be available for $GMI to get $INDEX.

@caf highlighted the partnership with Vesper and getting ETH2x-FLI-P into the Dharma campaign. The structure of Growth Nest is coming together under the leadership of @LemonadeAlpha & @Metfanmike. The team is working close collaboration with Product on the upcoming $GMI launch. And so far, everyone feels great the work and coordination efforts across WGs. There will be a holiday giveaway campaign of our products on Twitter. Shoutout to @DocHabanero for all things $GMI.

@mrvls_brkfst returned to the room where he first started his Index Coop journey. @fanquie & @thham2017 get kudos for their translation efforts. @Static121 made a triumphant return to announce that the $GMI logo is all set. And teased a “more-than merch” project that they may or may not be working on :). A backlog of video exists and get ready for a consistent stream of them rolling out in 2022. He’s also keen to chat with @Llama team on getting things rolling towards their potential launch. Shoutout to @allan.g & @afromac for being beacons of professionalism and a complete pleasure to work with. An Index Coop merch store is in the works, so if anyone has expertise around tax liability be sure to reach out.

@Mringz updated us on the Vesper launch and how those staking DAI can earn DPI. He also gave a brief rundown of the AMA he and @pujimak_in attended with Polygon. Some BD bounties are now live on Shout outs to @Miza, @Vanita & @TheYoungCrews for their efforts.

@fallow8 gave an update that the legal memo first draft is promising. Meeting with counsel on Wednesday to clarity outstanding questions. BitGo support is live for MVI, DATA, and BED. Announcement coming on Medium and Twitter. BitGo working to get press coverage. We are seeking anexpansive partnership with BitGo that includes additional webinars and in-person events. Shoutouts to @terik_boberik, @Static121 & @LemonadeAlpha.

@pujimak_in provided a great overview of the great work being done in APWG. You can grab a look at the details by checking out their November Update. Shoutouts to @bradwmorris @Vanita @Metfanmike and @aakansha.

@Pepperoni_Joe gave a peak of the recent People Nest Workshop #2 which included topics on transparent team selection, objective alignment and project planning. Templates in Notion for new Nests, Pods, Meetings, Projects, Tasks and personal dashboards. Along with Discord + Forum updates finalised. And touted the 100% engagement in People Nest Coordinape Circle! Shoutouts to @kindeagle @0xMitz & @TheYoungCrews.

@ElliottWatts closed things down for the @Finance via Loom video. Contributor are being pulled forward to better align with the Christmas break. They are aiming for payment by 24th December. Given the nest restructure F.Nest will be proposing that we roll Q4 budget forward another month with rebasing.

Filling Up the Pipeline

Product Working Group (18 attendees) slides

@overanalyser led a gang of experience Index Product team members along with some newcomers who were no strangers to indices. @JosephKnecht provided an update on $JPEG and stated that by working with @overanalyser & @DocHabanero some of the issues with liquidity have been addressed. Adjustments have been made to PRD which reduces exchange issuance slippage to 1.81% (goal is 1%). The hope is for a February launch.

@DocHabanero broke down the composite indices including the scheduled January 5th launch of $GMI. Will need assist from Growth on how to position $JPEG and possible disclaimers because liquidity will still be a bit of an issue. $PAY will likely be turned into 2 products at the start. $PDI is being reintroduced into the product road map.

Part of the road map in 2022, is that instead of waiting for people to bring us ideas, try to better understand the market demand and build products that we want to build. So create a methodology and find a partner to launch with. A recent product survey showed that >50% are looking for Polygon products.

@afromac is looking to speed up bringing the FLI products to market by creating some broadbased IIPs with cooperation with GovOps. Instead of an IIP for every individual product, the goal will be do one IIP per chain with 4-6 products. The goal also is to make a bigger marketing impact as well with Growth instead of dripping one out at a time.

$OPTION garnered a lot of interesting feedback and there’s are few ways that this product could be approached: either with Ribbon or creating our own vaults. @sidhemraj discussed $REAL and the current challenges around issue and redeem. @seb discussed developing a strategy around figuring out a strategy around what to build. @alerex and others also discussed the relationship between Product and Growth beyond the launch. It was discussed the best system to contrinute methodologies relationships and long-term maintaence of the products.

Tuesday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
0400 - APAC || Business Development
1500 - Institutional Business
1600 - Analytics
1600 - Money Talks F.Nest AMA :moneybag:
1700 - Conversations with the Coop with Jeff Garzik of Vesper Finance
1700 - Owl Level Redesign Workshop
1900 - Wizardry Weekly Call
2000 - TOC Tea Time

OOO: Leave your holiday OOO here

Daily DAOwlpha: You can’t show up uninvited at Google, sit in on their meetings, check the vibe, get paid to contribute to a few projects, and then decide whether to commit full-time. You can with DAOs. - @redefinded_life

