The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2022.01.27 Thursday

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO . (previous issue)

Today, Governance Nest and Growth Nest held their weekly community calls. “Where are those other Thursday calls?” you make ask. Women + NB will restart on their new, biweekly schedule next week and DWG has officially joined G.Nest and no longer has a separate public call.

Tomorrow., we’ve got two conversations: DeFridays on Twitter Spaces and Conversations with the Coop on Discord. If you attend DeFridays, you get a POAP!




The way of the DAO

Governance Nest (9 attendees) notion

Governance Nest held an abbreviated meeting today as several of Gov’s contributors were busy working on driving the Nest’s proposal to completion by tomorrow’s deadline.

@sixtykeys reported that 4 IIPs have completed voting on Snapshot, 3 of which have passed (IIP-125, IIP-127 DG2, and IIP-119 DG2) and 1 that has not passed, (IIP-126 DG1. Voting is live for IIP-128. 2 MetaGov Snapshot votes, [AAVE-57] and BalancerDAO <> GnosisDAO Treasury Swap, have passed.

Tomorrow, every Nest will present their respective plans tomorrow and take time over the weekend to read other Nests’ plans. As @mel.eth said, “the more visible we make our intentions, the more feedback we can give each other on whether those intentions line up on where we see this organization going.” It is unlikely there will be a lot of granular feedback from some Nests to others. Rather than a “yes/no” process, the Nest proposal review will be more of an iterative process that will be finalized over the next few weeks. If you’d like to speak to the intentions of one of the functional Pods within the Governance Nest, @mel.eth invites you to drop a comment in the document or chat in the Governance Nest Discord chat. We were also reminded that these proposals are not an end-all-be-all for IC Season 1; we’re focused on defining desired outcomes and perhaps being more flexible on how to achieve those outcomes. Scoping out objectives on the operational side is the key in these Nest proposals.

Finally, @JosephKnecht wants to understand 1kx’s voting intentions in order to avoid the surprise of the negative vote on IIP-126 DG1: Launch $MCAP. Product was hoping to get robust and transparent feedback from big voters like 1kx so concerns could have been addressed or the product redesigned, aside from the regularly scheduled investor relations call with them. @sixtykeys suggested priming large voters (groups that are basically “deciding votes”) before votes go to Snapshot. Design Pod is working to solve this problem in real time, establishing Discord channels with deciding voters to communicate with them in advance of posted votes.The question of what we can do to improve earlier engagement and feedback from voters is big; Gov Nest agreed to continue the discussion in communication with Product Nest.

KPI City

Growth Nest (25 attendees) slides

Growth Nest has two primary objectives (1) increase the availability and accessibility of our products and (2) generate global awareness and understanding of our products and brand, both using the Pirate Funnel (AAARRR). Within Growth Nest, different Pods are focused on different areas of that funnel. The Growth Nest Proposal will be complete next week (including a budgetary ask).

@caf with Branding, Comms, and Social Media Pod was up first. Brand Comms works to establish an elevated brand strategy for IC to drive consistent messaging to increase brand awareness and product understand across social media channels. Current initiatives include their branding strategy (a slight rebrand in collaboration with Design Pod), social media content strategy, paid promotion (AB testing for different audiences per product per platform), campaigns, and PR. Success metrics and goals for Season 1 include: 50,000 cross-platform followers, 5m impressions, and 3% average engagement rate.

Next Content Pod led by @marshmellow: they drive growth by communication IC’s mission, value, and product by offering high quality editorial content. Season 1 is all about leveling up content operation; this means launching a new blog (on IC’s website) and producing 8 blog articles per month. They’re also going to produce 2 white papers this season to help establish IC as thought leaders in the space as well as publish a weekly newsletter. By February 1, they will have chosen 3 specific KPIs to track and have finalized a Season 1 content slate. If you’re interested in contributing to Content Pod, contact @marshmellow with some examples of your written work.

DeFi Business Development is focused on increasing awareness and accessibility for our products via listing our products while increasing the amount of our products held in DAO treasuries. @Mringz reported a few updates: Zengo interaction has been initiative, Ichi has been introduced to Liquidity Pod, and the DAO treasury strategy has commenced with Automated Indices Pod. Ongoing initiatives include: updating and building a Partnerships Database, creating a reward framework for DAO treasury sales and partnership leads, posting BD strategy in a forum post, and assisting with DPI, AAVE, and ARC proposals.

@Static121 is up next with Design Pod, the group responsible for creative vision and execution of IC founded on the belief that promoting a premium brand will ultimately contribute to conversions. Initiatives of Season 1 include: product launches, brand evolution, building out Index video content, and general design and brand strategy, content/media execution. As for success metrics, the team will go top of funnel to impressions and engagement metrics. They will to publish 2 videos to YouTube per month (with a stretch goal of 1 per week) with the goals to increase subscriber account and shares with e 50%+ average watch time and 7% CTR. Additionally, they want 100% completion of a robust launch asset checklist each launch. The team is hard at work creating POAPS that will be increasingly used to track event attendee’s wallets as they buy IC products.

@Metfanmike stayed on-brand in a Mets shirt with an update on Institutional Business Pod. Their priorities are 3-fold: (1) Activation, (2) Awareness, and (3) Activation. Success metrics for Season 1 include: 2 of custodians/platform partners (preferably 1 in Asia and 1 in Europe), 1 Tier 1 exchange listing, 6 speaking engagements (webinars, podcasts, conferences), and a TBD dollar amount of N$F into IC products held at partners. One of these speaking engagements, The Financial advisers Guide to Onchain Indices with Onramp, happened yesterday.

@lee0007 with Performance and SEO Pod have a 3-pronged strategy to meet awareness, acquisition, and retention goals: (1) paid advertising, in which they will increase audience size and engagement and rive brand visibility while minimizing costs, (2) link building and (3) SEO content, in both of which they will increase website visibility, authority, and trust.

@dev covered his Pod: UX & Analytics and @MrMadila’s: Operations & Analytics. UX & Analytics will ensure the marketing and app site have a delightful experience and builds and communicates our narrow and macro marketing analytics.On-site engagement metrics are: i) users/visits, ii) bounce rate, iii) time on site, iv) depth of visit, and v) event numbers. Success metrics for Season 1 include matching or exceeding competitors for KPIs ii-iv and supporting multi-language for product pages and blogs. They will also have a robust first Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) report delivered.

Operations & analysis will aggregate KPIs/data/stats from other pods and analyze and synthesize it into useable data for the Growth Nest. As co-lead of MMM with @dev, he will focus his Pod more on the on-chain market side of things while Deve focuses on web tech, marketing and distribution channels and the wizard side of things. Success metrics include Pod satisfaction, reporting cadence (weekly/monthly/quarterly/seasonally), reporting usefulness (insights = actionable items for the Nest), number and quality of KPIs created and ranked, and number and percentage of KPIs tracked.

Lastly, the Growth Grants Program led by @LemonadeAlpha is almost ready to take flight. They’re looking to drive experimentation across the Growth funnel. In Season 1, they will focus on creation of “media properties” which create proprietary distribution and, thus, outsize ROI in terms of funnel activity. Success metrics include number of grants funded/disbursement of funds (assessed weekly, monthly, and seasonally), hit rate of grants funded (assessed quarterly), and grant success/funds disbursed (assessed quarterly).

Friday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1900 - ‘DeFridays with the Coop’ with Julian Koh of Ribbon Finance (on Twitter Spaces)
2000 - Conversations with the Coop with Teddy Woodward of Notional Finance (on Discord)

DAOwlpha: “Make revenue cool again” - @Cavalier_Eth
(It’s always good to support small creators where possible. DM @coolhorsegirl if you have a tweet you’d consider DAOwlpha, even if it only has six likes.)

Hoot Hoot!


6 likes is big time where i come from. shout into the void for 6 months minimum before you start to get traction. we cant all be @Regan


*correction 7 Likes :stuck_out_tongue: