The sCoop - Contributor Newsletter - 2022.04.05 Tuesday

Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @IndexCoopDAO. (previous issue)

Today, we celebrated the launch of $icETH with a launch party on Twitter Spaces and follow-up on Discord. Earlier, we heard from Finance in the Weekly Money Talks call. And yesterday, we got an update from all areas of the Coop at the Biweekly Standup.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk exchange issuance in the Leadership Forum followed by a call on Owl Levels. On Thursday, look forward to a big day: Gov Nest, WIC, and Growth Nest. And continue celebrating the best way to superstake your ETH, $icETH. Maybe even consider joining the Meme Competition.




Updates in the key of biweekly

Biweekly Standup | slides

First, a core KPI review by @anthonyb.eth:

  • $251.7m Mainnet AUM (as of 04/03)
    • DPI - 41.6%
    • ETH2x-FLI - 39.6%
    • MVI - 11.5%
    • Others - 7.3%
  • $44,870 March Sector Indices Gross Profit
    • $34,960 (77.9%) - DPI
    • $10,230 (22.8%) - MVI
    • <$1,000 DATA, GMI, BED
  • $70,310 March FLI Mainnet Gross Profit
    • $64,540 (91.8%) - ETH2x
    • $5,770 (8.2%) - BTC2x

Product Nest is happy to have reduced $icETH fees pre-launch. They’re working with Growth to start formalizing the Branding Partner process, beginning launch activities for $FIXED and $MNY, and continuing to work on $JPG and once the contract is deployed, liquidity will be provided. Check out the roadmap here.

Growth Nest is still celebrating the listing of DPI and INDEX on Gemini Exchange! The exciting news doesn’t end there: we got over 100 emails from institutional registrants of last week’s BitGo webinar, DPI has been greenlit for listing on Aave ARC, and DPI has been listed on Euler platform for borrowing/lending.

Community Nest fearless presenter @kindeagle announced the completion of Product FAQs on the Gitbook. They’re working on a new talent process including recruitment and interview templates and a community-driven path to contributorship. Check our current projects here. Some more big news: our beloved @Pepperoni_Joe returns April 18.

Finance Nest has successfully distributed March rewards, with many contributors receiving pay in $icETH. They’re making slow progress on talks with DebtDAO. They take a deeper dive in Money Talks (written up below).

From Governance Nest, congratulations to the new Index Council members! look out for an Index Council Election Retro Survey in your email used for Choice Voting. Gov was the first to use our new, Index-wide bounty board, as well. If you want to simply explain meta-governance to your non-degen friend or grandmother, check out our Youtube video on it. On the horizon is Cross-functional GovRep Training to take place in April, execution of ideas developed in Alternative Governance, and Hivewise prototyping by GovComs.

AMaaSsing partners

Finance Nest’s Money Talks

A topical question kicked us off: in the future, would we consider running payroll with some of our intrinsically productive yield products, as we did in March with icETH? The answer is yes—it would be great for Index Coop as it amplifies core KPIs. The initial dispersal of products into wallets would hit metrics that investors care deeply about, like the number of addresses products are in. We might see this option with PINT.

Next, we talked meta-governance as a service (MaaS) via Governance House. Its main advantage: enabling more protocols to delegate to Index Coop and allowing them to delegate other tokens, not just $INDEX. Gov House will allow us to further relationships as it begins with a few big partners while it gains credibility in the space, like Tribe, Aave, and of course, us. We’ve managed a lot of these relationships positively thus far, but this builds on what we’ve done and gives it a structure and a name, formalizing the unofficial relationships that currently exist. From there, Gov House will focus on delivering on those relationship, scaling horizontally as more developers and account managers join to support major partners.

How do we ensure a partner-turned-bad-actor can’t take over? Gov House is an ecosystem-run multisig that has multiple stakeholders, including people from Index, people from Aave, and people from Tribe, for example. If one partner does something that is not quite right in another partner’s protocol, they will be bound to their reputation, as VCs and other DAOs will pull votes from Governance House as trust decreases. Thus, there is incentive for all partners to act respectfully or other partners will not work with them.

Money Talks is an hour-long office hours-style chat for anyone to discuss burning questions, learn updates, or hear expanded versions of proposals with core contributors to Finance Nest. We’ll see you next week on Tuesday at 16:00 UTC.

Yields as cool as ice

icETH Launch

Do you like ETH? Do you like yield? icETH is live! Get the lowest fees and highest effective return on ETH in DeFi today. Also featuring zero slippage and emergency, incentivized deleveraging during Black Swan events for additional safety. Key advantages: decreased risk, gas efficient, ease of use, and composibility in defi.

We answered questions and celebrated its release in a Twitter Spaces (recording here). Read more educational info in this tweet thread. The best buyer experience is through our app website.

Also announcing Index Coop’s largest ever Meme Competition. Submissions open tonight until April 11 at 7pm UTC, with prizes for first, second, third, and worst. Check out #memes in the Community Discord server for some ideas, and remember: good memes are descriptive. They don’t just say that the product is good, they tell why. Think icETH. Think yield. See you in #memes.

Wednesday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1900 - Leadership Forum
2000 - Owl Level Discussion

Thursday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1600 - Governance Nest
1700 - Women + NB in Index
1800 - Product Brainstorming Session (price of admission: 2 ideas)
2000 - Growth Nest

Daily OWLpha: “In this space, things happen so quickly that one of the best skills you can learn is to be comfortable making decisions without having all the information. If it’s interesting, follow it! You might not find out why until long after it’s gone.” - @OhhShiny
