The sCoop
Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO.
previous issue
While there was only one scheduled meeting today, there have been, as @anon10525910 put it, ‘a lot of meaty forum posts’ of late so be sure to block off some time to review and give feedback where appropriate. The Leadership Forum provided a ton of useful context and a clean roundup of the high-level initiatives requiring attention and action. Tomorrow is a full day kicking-off with @Crypto_Texan hosting Alex W from Idex in the next Conversation with the Coop, then we roll up our sleeves and continue hammering-out the Future of Finance, then on to the ever-uplifting Growth WG Meeting to send us into a meeting-free Friday and final Summer weekend (for all those Northern Hemisphere Owls). Lets. Dive. In.
Calls to Action:
- IIP-80: Meta Governance Proposals (MGP) Process [Second Submission]
Request for Feedback: New Product Onboarding Process by @catjam
- Notable doc for review within forum post: New Product IIP Template
- [Draft IIP] Temporary Funding Council Decision Making by @anon10525910
- Women in Index: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative by @chasechapman
Context Corner:
- An Analysis of Methodologist Incentive Dynamics by @setoshi
- Finance of the Future #1 - workshop outputs & next steps by @Pepperoni_Joe
- Working Groups v1.1
Leadership Forum (29 attendees [-2]) slides
I jumped into an active conversation when I signed-on to this meeting and @Lavi, who is reportedly bumming around in a van and surfing, coined the term ‘workation’. How far the slider moves between ‘work’ and ‘vacation’ is up for interpretation, and ‘DAO Life’ can be challenging in its own right, but I love that contributors are able to craft a permissionless and bespoke work-life arrangement here at The Coop.
Given that the Leadership Forum mostly recaps a lot of what’s been covered in The sCoop over the last week I will highlight updates here:
- @nic (prof. tolnic#6893) dropped in to introduce himself, scope his planned role here at IC, and mention something about a party on September 22 (with details to follow, I’m sure). Essentially @nic will be focusing on some of the more organizational and operational challenges that haven’t been prioritized to-date, asking big-picture questions like, “What can this DAO do for society?” and “Where do we want to be in 6 months?” @nic comes to this DAO with a boatload of experience and I’m truly looking forward to the imminent and ongoing conversations he’s sure to inspire.
- @afromac ran through the highlights from the Governance, Democracy, and Attack Vectors Workshop (we really need an acronym for that; GDAV it is). Of note, only 2% of outstanding INDEX tokens have been distributed to contributors; however, given our current stage of growth we’re not particularly susceptible to capture based on the analysis to-date.
- @catjam surfaced, and the room discussed, that there is a wide gap between male and female Owls in terms of participation in this, and other, DAOs. There is currently an unfunded Working Group and members are looking to get funded with an eye toward starting a mentorship program for female and non-binary contributors. There was some discussion around what performance metrics would look like for such an initiative, with broad support expressed in both the active and chat discussion. Discussion of the initiative is active in the forum that will inform a more robust proposal.
- @Cavalier_Eth drew attention to the role of Engineering and Product WGs in the broader Index 2.0 discussion and I expect that his insights will be incredibly valuable as we all seek to help answer the question that he posed at the top of his ‘+1’: “What does a product DAO look like?” @BigSky7 also gave a shout to the PWG noting that they’ve really leaned into onboarding new members, citing them as an example to follow.
Governance Update (snapshot) by @sixtykeys
Thursday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1500 - New Joiner [APAC]
1500 - Conversations with the Coop - Alex W from IDEX (think CEX throughput, DEX security)
1700 - Future of Finance Part 2 (1.5 hrs)
1900 - Growth WG Meeting
OOO: @puniaviision thru 9/17
Daily DAOwlpha: Two articles that were surfaced in the chat today during the Leadership Forum I found really useful in helping frame the way I think about several currently-relevant challenges to this DAO. While I’m struggling to remember who dropped which, the articles below were provided collectively by @catjam and @anon10525910:
- How we lead in a self-organized company
- ‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups
- @mel.eth