Fresh Owlpha, curated daily. This is @HOWweDAO . (previous issue)
BD WG flexed their most recent deals and are exploring the future L2 and other chains. Today’s Leadership Forum included a holiday break and recharge plan, an update on what the Index Council has been prioritizing and working on behalf of the DAO.
Thursday is a packed day of non-stop WG meetings starting with Gov Ops WG followed by Women + NB of Index & BD Office Hours sharing a time slot. Design and Growth will also be getting together for their bi-weekly sessions. @Crypto_Texan welcomes Brian from Visor Finance for a Conversations with the Coop to wrap up the day.
- IIP-102 DG2: Launch the Bankless DeFi Innovation Index | $GMI Lucas Campbell , Ben Giove@LemonadeAlpha
- [AAVE] Renew Aave Grants DAO
- [BALANCER] Boosted Pools: Authorize Balancer Labs to emergency pause
- [BALANCER] Boosted Pools: Authorize Gauntlet and the Ballers Multisig to manage pool parameters
- [COMPOUND-75:] Decentralized long-term security for Compound
- [COMPOUND-76:] OpenZeppelin Continuous Audit & Security Services Proposal
- [COMPOUND-77:] Continuous Security Engineering for Compound
- [UNISWAP-1.10:] GFX Labs is submitting Polygon’s governance proposal to deploy Uniswap v3 to Polygon on their behalf
Product | Launch | Liquidity:
- [Discussion] - Community Ownership & Compensation | V2 Proposal
Flexing the BD Muscle
Business Development (22 attendees) notion | BDWG Dune by @anthonyb.eth
@funkmasterflex_ led the proceedings today, covering all things business development. The meeting started with a video from the Vesper Finance folks… that’s a must-watch and listen…you got to earn it.
@Mringz provided an update on integration partnerships and relationships. One of the current objectives is to solidify marketing materials around these protocol and integration partners. It’s great that we have them, but we want to ensure that customers are aware and using them. The goal behind setting up a coopgrowth Twitter account is to help people discover yield opportunities and generate engagement with other DAOs and protocols by tagging them. Progress is being made with DPI/AAVE incentives. There’s interest in creating Yearn vault and Harvest Finance. Vesper Earn is live, shot out @TheYoungCrews. BD has pushed forward with V3 liquidity managers, including Visor and Gelato/Sorber Finance. They are also looking at Universe Finance. Listing $INDEX on Beta Finance was considered, but there are some concerns regarding governance attacks.
On the Methodology Relations front, $GMI is looking good in the vote so sending positive vibes to Index Coop Godfather of Growth and BD - @LemonadeAlpha. Some discussion has been held with Notional Finance regarding fixed-yielding assets and considering fixed-income products. Ribbon Finance looks like a vault token that generates yield on ETH, USDC, BTC, AAVE through selling options—exploring an L2 Index with L2Beat and things moving slowly with JPEG and Forefront.
Treasury Relations reported a purchase of ETH2x-FLI by Squid DAO facilitated by @Miza. Great discussion with ShapeShift and looking to lock something down in the future. Great opportunity for new joiners to jump and contribute in the part of BD for those interested. Lots of DAOs are excited about $PAY/stablecoin basket.
@asira has started having conversations with anonymous contributors at Nouns DAO and Alchemix. A great opportunity will exist when we can reach out to those allocated on $GMI.
University Relations is working on the right path and opportunities for university blockchain clubs. They explore whether more significant events would be more effective and beneficial than one-off meetups and understand the desired outcome and offerings.
@LemonadeAlpha brought up the subject and importance of building out L2 sidechain/zk-rollup strategies, especially for Arbitrum & Optimism. If we can prepare and put the right pieces in place, we’ll be positioned well if big rewards programs are introduced. Building a reach-out plan and prioritizing those opportunities are next steps.
Communicating Index Coop’s Value Proposition
Leadership Forum (32 attendees) slides
@MrMadila got the proceeding started discussing the holiday break plans. The plan is that everyone gets two full weeks between December 24th & January 17th. Depending on where in the world you are and the needs of your working group, this structure should allow everyone to get some well-deserved downtime. If your role or working group needs emergency coverage, be sure to check in with your lead to make arrangements accordingly. This will also change up rewards allocation for December, so please pay attention to Discord and your working group for updates on those submission deadlines.
$GMI launch has been moved back to January 5th.
@LemonadeAlpha discussed the recent $DATA economic agreement and work with methodologists. He gave a shouout to @Matthew_Graham for his efforts. The fee split is now 60/40 post-gas and building a longer-term growth map. @Thomas_Hepner helped us put down in writing a more descriptive and more straightforward plan for marketing that will benefit $DATA and future partners. The opt-out clause will not be extended, and it feels like a very amicable outcome.
This recent process has led the Index Council to consider the value add of our entire organization to building these products. Each person and working group at Index Coop has had a feeling or understanding of the value provided, but it’s never been put down in writing. It’s not on our website or expressed clearly to methodologist partners precisely what we bring to the table and what we will deliver. @Metfanmike shared a list that is currently being worked on and crafted to better express who we are and the value we provide:
- Engineering
- Developing a methodology
- Understanding market demand/customer development
- Solving for liquidity/seeding pools
- Growth campaigns.
- Translation Services
- Institutional Listing Services (CEXs custodians, etc)
- DeFi Integration
- Design (branding/web product)
- Analytics
- Governance Strategy
- Community - word of mouth virality
Better communicating our value propositions to others will put us in a much better position to develop win-win partnerships with clear expectations and build & support the adoption of our best-in-class index products.
Non-Contributor Contributors™️
People.Nest Launch Part Deux (23 attendees) mural board
The integration of the pods/working groups into the People Nest continued on Wednesday. This week’s focus was understanding Nest and pod coordination with each other and providing value for the Nest and the Coop as a whole…
@Pepperoni_Joe provided an overview of today’s session and a framework shared by the Index Council to help focus the objectives for each Nest. These include:
- Create products our customers want
- Build safe products
- Make products available and accessible
- Build awareness around our products
- enable the organization to do all that
A collective Nest discussion was held around the core ideas and objectives of serving those larger Index Council goals by:
- Attracting and retaining high-impact contributors
- Improving communication to enable contributors to work effectively together
- Building a community that champions Index Coop and our products.
Owls organized themselves into their respective Pods and spent time determining other pods inside and outside the People Nest aligned and cross-functional collaborators. Each pod also spent time defining the key deliverable produced that would help the pod, Nest, and Index Coop as a whole deliver on organizational goals.
The theme of creating a place for raving fans of our products at Index Coop was again raised. Right now, we’re great about onboarding someone from Discord to contributor, but that’s not what everyone wants to do. So building out a spectrum of low to high context contribution opportunities is needed. We need a community for our non-contributor contributors™️. (It’s trademarked now @0xMitz )
Thursday Meetings: (UTC/1-hr, UON)
1500 - Governance Operations WG Meeting
1600 - Women + NB of Index WG
1600 - BD Office Hours (discord: BD Office Hours )
1700 - Design WG Bi-Weekly Meeting
2000 - Growth Bi-Weekly WG Meeting
2100 - Discord - Conversations with the Coop with Brian from Visor Finance
OOO: @Lavi Dec 23-27, Dec 29-Jan 3; Every Owl: 2 out of 3 weeks from Dec. 24 - Jan 17.
Daily DAOwlpha: It’s fu_king soooooooooo fun working at DAO - @kohei
Hoot Hoot!